The Toot Fairy is a hilarious and colorful children's book that is sure to get your kids reading and laughing! This fun book will bring a smile to people of all ages and is a great gift for any occasion: a baby shower, birthday, a holiday, or just to share some toots and giggles with a child. It also makes a great gift for childhood educators and daycares.
"Each page is filled with detailed characters and bright colorful pictures to help tell the story, and the illustrations and words on each page work together so well, making this a wonderful book that will make any child will laugh. I laughed and enjoyed this book and so will moms and dads..."- 5 Stars, Reader's Favorite
The book is one the whole family will enjoy. Reviewers commented, "I IMMEDIATELY REGRETTED not setting up a video camera while our family read this book together," "Grandma, mom, and son all enjoyed the book and got some great laughs," "A book the whole family will be quoting!" and "We all love how this book makes us laugh together as a family."
The Toot Fairy book